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laravel-zip is the world’s leading zip utility for file compression and backup.

This library was written to simplify and automate Zip files management using PHP ZipArchive.


Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will download the package.

composer require zanysoft/laravel-zip

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


You can optionally use the facade for shorter code. Add this to your facades:

'Zip' => ZanySoft\Zip\Facades\Zip::class,

Zip usage

use ZanySoft\Zip\Zip class only use Zip is made to handle a zip file.

### Basic operations

- Open zip file:

    $zip = Zip::open('');


- Create zip file:

    $zip = Zip::create('');


- Check zip file:

    $is_valid = Zip::check('');


- Extract zip file:

    // extract whole archive

    // extract a file
    $zip->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', 'file');

    // extract multiple files
    $zip->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', array('file1','file2'));

- Check if zip has a file:

    // Check if archive has a file

    // Check if archive has a file case insensitively
    $zip->has('/path/to/file/in/archive', ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE);

    // Check if archive has a file ignoring directory component
    $zip->has('file', ZipArchive::FL_NODIR);

    // Check if archive has a file case insensitively ignoring directory component
    $zip->has('file', ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE|ZipArchive::FL_NODIR);


- Add a file/directory to zip:


    // declaring path

    // add directory

    // add directory (only its content)
    $zip->add('/path/to/my/directory', true);


- Add content to zip:

    $zip->addFromString('file name with extension', 'content of file');
    $zip->addFromString('filename.txt', $file_content);
    $zip->addFromString('folder/file1.txt', $file_content);
    $zip->addFromString('folder/file2.txt', $file_content);


- Add multiple files/directories to zip:

    // using array as parameter
    $zip->add( array('/path/to/my/file1', '/path/to/my/file2');

    // chaining methods

    // declaring path


- Delete a file/directory from zip:



- Delete multiple files/directories from zip:

    // using array as parameter
    $zip->delete( array('file1', 'file2') );

    // chaining methods


- List content of zip file



- Close zip file



### Additional methods

- Skip hidden files while adding directories:

    // set mode

    // get mode
    $mode = $zip->getSkipped();


- Use password for zip extraction:

    // set password

    // get password
    $password = $zip->getPassword();


- Use a mask != 0777 for created folders:

    // set mask

    // get mask
    $mask = $zip->getMask();


## ZipManager usage

The `\ZanySoft\Zip\ZipManager` can handle multiple `ZanySoft\Zip\Zip` objects.

- include the Zip and ZipManager class at top:
use ZanySoft\Zip\ZipManager;
use Zip;

Basic operations

Additional methods